Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Caves São João, Reserva, Bairrada, Sparkling, Portugal, 2010

I know, my wine memoirs, my memoriavinia, has been too quiet for a long while now. Truth is the  situation in my country, the fact that we are being the subject of all sorts of mouse trials, the likes of the so called austerity theories, creative destruction Chicago to Shumpeter to all other weathermen shi... theories and so f... off has been, I am sorry, ruining my wines.

God bless, I have just drinked this Caves São João, Reserva, Bairrada, Sparkling, Portugal, 2010, that by any account is a worldwide class sparkling wine and it costs... I am sorry, not even 5 euro per bottle. Make it two... and I assume it cannot yet offend my suffering countrymen and women.

Let's keep it a national secret for now then.

Luis Miguel Novais